The    OffEnSive    MechanisMs

Welcome to the offensive section Of Jar-Head, These are my tips, they may or may not help you, but they work for me. :) First of all, before you even plan a attack I suggest your city is heavily defended and that at least one commando (preferable the mayor) stays behind to guard the city. Next, make sure you are properly equiped with your trusty Lazers, bazookas, walkie, a medpack, bombs, and a orb.(I prefer to carry them in my inventory in that Order) I like to carry about 10 bombs with me at all times but this may be difficult if there are four people in your city.


ApPrOaChInG A EnEmY CiTy
Before even approaching a enemy city I suggest you scope it out with your map, By using the map you can find the weakness, entrances, and even the location of the City Center(where the orb must be dropped). If you ever have used the map much you will have noticed that when you click on a building it tells you if it is housing, Research, a factory, or The CC (CITY CENTER). Now that you have scoped out the city and located the CC you should begin you attack. I prefer to make my own way in a city with those trusty bombs, I laugh as the privates try to take that cities main entrance. Usually the entrance the city uses is to heavily guraded to even try to enter it. So find the least path of resistance and bomb your way in. Most cities are weaker at the North and South ends. Once your inside you better be blasting that lazer to make sure there are no mines or mantraps waiting to disable your vehicle. If you see any facs that may help you orb that city blow em up. This will increase your chances of survival by 20%! ESPECIALLY IF IT IS A MINE FIELD.

Eeek, It those nasty turrets that turn in circles trying to BLAST ya. Sometimes, I get dizzy going around em hehe. Well if there are turrets in the area you wih to enter I pray that you are shooting like crazy cause you may be in mantraps or a mine zone, Be VERY CAREFUL. Turrets are not smart as your human opponents but they will blast ya to death! If I can, I always attack them from their north side. For some reason They are less likely to hit you. If the turret is in a bad area and there is too many of em to try that I suggest you get that bomb inventory ready and you drop em like hell as you run away. After many games of playing Bc you will learn tricks to easily kill those mean turrets. Most turrets have a range to where you can hit 'em without them detecting your tank. A good method to use if you can't find the special spot is to use the approach, shoot, backup method. This is a favorite of mine. If you get good with your zooka most turrets will die fast using this method. Sometimes you can even hide behind a rock or a wall and succesfully shoot a turret like the picture below. Just remember watch out for traps and dont get too nervous around the turrets. When I attack I do what I call the "JAR-HEAD DANCE"

BombInG 101

BOmbinG Is yet Another KeY to orbing A good City, Here's A successful and the proper way to bomb your way into the CC.
Those pesky commandos bothering you when your attacking their city? What to do... Ahh yea, Jar Does something mean when this happens.. Jar goes back to his city, LOADS HIS INVENTORY TO THE max With Bombs AND GOES back to the enemy city. Now if those pesky enemy commandos or the mayor starts to interfere with your attack you trick them. How? Act like you are approaching them and quickly backup Dropping your whole aresenal of bombs. I guarantee if they don't die after they go through your bomb field that on your next attack they will keep their distance. NO ONE CAN SHOOT All 20 BOMBS NO MATTER HOW good they are, Not even Jar-Head :) BUT YOU BETTER NOT TRY THIS ON ME OR YOU WILL PAY! :)

OrBiNg, yOuR PoInT MaKeR

Yea Yea yea, we know what a orb is, well most of us do. :) TO get your main points you must of course drop your orb into the enemies CC. Sometimes when you get into this position you may get a little jerky and even get yourself killed when it's really easy. If the CC is wide open don't go racing into it without shooting ahead of you. Smart players may have placed mines in their to fool you. If there is a wall blocking your way and you dont seem to be in danger of a nearby turret, blast your way through! IF NOT DROP YOUR BOMBS all around the CC and get the Hell away. When you hear the booms end Seed your Way in AND DrOp ThE AlMiGHtY Orb. YoU WiLL Be Greatly Awarded for ThiS congrats my friend!